My mission is to support independent women like you embody financial confidence so you can experience financial independence and the freedom it gives you. I know just how much is possible for you, your life, your wealth and your positive impact on the world when you decide to take responsibility of your finances and ultimately your life.


The key to embodying financial confidence and securing your financial future is to bring a holistic approach to finances.

My Holistic Wealth RoadMap was created based on my own experiences as well as my professional qualifications and experiences as an accountant CPA in corporate, business owner of a women’s health & wellbeing studio, psychology degree and certified wellbeing coach.

What I know to be true from my experiences is, your financial foundations are only as strong as your individual integrity.

Which is why, the Holistic Wealth RoadMap focus on three key pillars – Profit, Purpose and Wellbeing.

By focusing on these 3 key pillars you take yourself on an empowered wealth journey. One that supports you to show up as your most empowered self so you can be financially capable, protect yourself financially, build wealth and live your best life now and in retirement.


As soon as I could work I have always loved earning and managing my money. It gave me a sense of confidence and security knowing I had enough money available for my bills, goals, lifestyle and those ‘oh shit’ or ‘I really want to do that / buy that but haven’t saved for it’ moments.

But in my early thirties I realised that your financial foundations are only as strong as your individual integrity.

Like many women, for a large part of my life I was showing up in the world as the version that was aligned with what women have been conditioned to think is how we need to show up in our life, career and finances to be successful.

Working really hard and long hours mostly to prove my worth and how valuable I was, being a people pleaser, following the status quo so I didn’t make waves, afraid to fully express myself and ask for what I wanted and constantly living in doubt and second guessing myself.

Despite this, I was still earning good money, achieving a lot and had a great lifestyle. But, it had come at the expense of my wellbeing – hello burnout and anxiety! And, when I was really honest with myself, although I did have property and shares I knew I wasn’t leveraging my earnings into long term financial independence as much as I could have been.

Knowing it was my actions that had resulted in burnout, I knew that if I wanted things to change that change had to happen within me. Which led me to studying to become a wellbeing coach and where I realised achievement wasn’t my problem alignment was.

Realising this I saw how our financial lives are a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and that the key to building wealth as a woman was to bring a holistic approach to finances. One where you work on your finances but more importantly, you work on yourself.

You deserve to experience your BIG life and to be financially secure and I can’t wait to support you on your own empowered wealth journey.


  • Bold unapologetic women going after their dreams and making their own rules around success
  • Books and podcasts – always growing, learning and expanding
  • Margaritas – original over spicy
  • Travel – favourite places to date have been New York and Bhutan
  • Pilates – looks easy but it isn’t!
  • Sunrise beach or nature walks with a coffee and sunset chills with a cocktail
  • Long lunches with friends that turn into a night of dancing to old school tunes
  • Living in the city and being a country girl, regular weekends away are a must!

I have worked with Natalie Hall for the last 9 months in her mentoring program. Working with Nat has been phenomenal.

From how she’s helped me better forecast my numbers, my money mindset and been an integral part of helping me grow my team and manage my team. She’s been an amazing sounding board as someone who has walked in the shoes of a business owner and is a business owner.

As well as, coming at everything from a really holistic lens and making sure that as a business leader, we’re also managing our own wellbeing. Even though I’m a health practitioner, sometimes it can be putting our own needs to the side as we prioritise our clients and our business. Nat really knows what it takes to grow a business but also take care of yourself at the same time.

I cannot speak highly enough for Nat and the work she does and the way that I have grown as a person and a professional while we’ve been working together in a 1:1 mentoring program.

Jess Spendlove - High Performance Dietitian

Before working with Nat I was burnt out and exhausted. Now, my focus has become clear on the specific tasks that need my attention each week but most importantly, I found myself and my family amongst the busy-ness of having multiple businesses.

I now have consistent days off and my mental health is so much better and so are our businesses. Nat helps you to get clear on what actions and tasks you need to focus on, gives clear guidance and strategy, keeps you accountable and then checks in to make sure you’re actually okay with it all as you get going with it.

It’s been a really holistic approach to understanding our business/finances/strategy while also considering the people that are involved with it so that we thrive personally and professionally.

Jaclyn Harris - Spa180 & Natural Fertility & Co

Before working with Nat I knew my business was in need of a new structure but I didn’t want to do it alone. I wanted to make sure I had an external and unbiased view to help me plan and execute the changes to ensure the best outcome, I also knew I needed coaching and confidence building along the way. By the end of six months that’s exactly what I got from working with Nat, plus some.

From the day to day running of my business to the broader more strategic view, we actually addressed it all. Nat was always available via email or phone, when needed, so although we had almost weekly meetings scheduled, the work we did together certainly wasn’t limited to those times. I employ one contractor but as an almost solo worker having Nat on the team, that extra head, another view, an unbiased opinion with the experience to back it up was what I appreciated most about our time together.

In six months we ticked off all the big goals I’d set out to achieve together including a change in structure, working less (without earning less – in fact I started earning more), putting away savings, creating greater brand awareness and overhauling my website. So, I couldn’t rate the experience highly enough. I feel really confident in the structure of my business and my decision making ability since having worked with Nat.

Elly McLean - Nutritionelly

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