Are You Living Your Life By Design Or Default?

Are You Living Your Life By Design Or Default?

Every day you choose how you live your life whether you’re conscious about it or not. You can either do it on autopilot and end up living your life by default or you can start making conscious choices and live your life by design.

The choice is always your choice and only your choice to make.

Living consciously is a lifestyle. It is about taking control of your life. Thinking about your decisions rather than making them without thought. Having a life that you really want rather than settling for what you have.

How many times a day do you actually stop to check in with yourself? It can be so easy to go through your day making unconscious, automatic decisions that don’t align with you what you want in your life and work.

As a result you end up living your life by default, not by design. You end up playing the small game instead of the big game you’re destined to play. It’s time for you to step up and take control of your life.



Life should be the biggest, boldest and most authentic expression of the you that is you. If you don’t listen to your heart and connect with who you’re meant to become you’ll find yourself trying to force your way through life. Living a life by default that is based on someone else’s definition of how you should live your life.

But when you listen to your heart and understand who you want to be and the life that you want to live you will expand, grow and start acting like you’re in control of your life. When you understand what makes you feel fulfilled and what drives your behaviour when you’re at your natural best you have clarity around the person you want to become and the life you want to be living.


Looking at your Intentional Success Picture what core values stand out for you? When you know what they are you give yourself a point of reference for everything you do going forward. You start making conscious decisions for your business and life that are in alignment with the life you want to live. You start making spending, saving and investment decisions based on your personal values and life’s purpose. 

When you look at how you currently spend your money it is aligned with your Intentional Success Picture and what is really important to you? If not, then it’s time to start making smarter money moves that are in line with life you really want to be living. The spending and saving decisions you make today may be impacting your tomorrow’s goals so make sure the decisions you’re making are moving you closer to your Intentional Success Picture and not away from it.


You can’t be your best self if you’re not taking caring of yourself. So make time for you. Make sure you’re moving your body daily, eating well, taking time out for yourself. Make a commitment to yourself and be consistent. Not only will you start to feel great but you’ll be much more valuable to the people who count on you.

Love and connect with yourself deeply with your highest self. Make conscious effort to listen to your body and give yourself what you need. You have all the answers within yourself but like most, probably don’t stop to check in with yourself to listen to them. Instead, choosing to ignore any signals your body is trying to give you and look outside of yourself for the answers.

Get into the habit of going within and listening to your body and it’s signals. Even if they don’t make much sense act on them and see what happens. You may just surprise yourself with what happens.

Just remember it’s never too late to take responsibility for your life and start living a life by design not default. You can choose to have an amazing life or you can choose to take the easy path and sit there on autopilot. Which one will you choose?

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P.S. If you have friends who you think will benefit from the tips above, forward this email. They’ll thank you for it!

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