3 Ways To Help You Feel More In Control Of Your Money

3 Ways To Help You Feel More In Control Of Your Money

With so many things out of our control in our life, it’s a great idea to concentrate and focus in on those things that you can control and will move you closer to your goals. Despite what you may think, it is possible for you to feel more in control of your money and best of all, it’s not as hard as you think it may be.

When I ask my clients if they would like to feel more in control of their money, the answer is always a definite YES! Yet, although the recognition is there the resistance is stronger.

The resistance can come in various forms. Some feel bored, anxious and stressed just at the thought of money, some think that money is too hard for them to understand (save or invest) and others would just prefer for someone else to do all the work and sort it out for them. 

Like you, these are smart, competent, high achieving women. Who, when they set their mind to something will go out and achieve it. So why when it comes to money do they not apply the same approach they do to all the other areas of their life?

The reason is that looking after your money is not just about doing the outer work and putting a budget together. You also need to do the inner work so you can understand your relationship with money and the stories and beliefs you have when it comes to money.

It’s the combination of doing the inner and outer work that will make you unstoppable.

It’s about really knowing how YOU want your life to look like and then creating a financial game plan to make it happen. It’s not what society, your family or friends think your life should look like. If you base it on what they think it should look like then you’re only going to be sabotaging yourself and creating a life that you actually don’t want. 

You can choose to have a major impact on your own financial life.

The choice is totally up to you. You can either continue with the head in the sand approach and wish for a miracle, or you can become proactive and take control of your money. Ensuring you will have money to give you the life you want NOW and also the life you envision for yourself in the FUTURE.

You have that power within you. All you need to do is decide if you’re ready to step into your power and choose to feel in more control of your money and consequently, your life. 

Below are 3 things you can do today to help you feel in more control of your money:

Ask yourself WHY money is important to you

We all know that money is important but beyond your basic needs of survival, why is money important to YOU? It’s a simple question but it’s not always easy to understand.

When you don’t know your WHY, making decisions regarding your financial position can become really difficult. But when you have your answer, you have the clarity to know which strategies will work best for your particular situation.

It’s the attitudes you have about money that define everything that matters about your personal financial situation. It determines how much money you need and how hard you’re willing to work for it. So get really honest with yourself and start writing down what comes to mind.

This is an exercise that is most beneficial when you do some digging. When your first couple of answers come up, try and dig a bit further. Ask yourself why that answer is important to you and how does that answer make you feel. The more you keep digging, the closer you’ll get to uncovering the real reasons of WHY money is important you to.

Understand WHERE you currently stand

Where do you stand financially? You’re not alone if you don’t know the answer. But if you want to move forward you must get clear on where you are right now. You need to have a good starting point so that you can plan where you need to go. 

Knowing your net worth is one of the numbers you need to know to understand where you currently stand. Now, I know this may sound scary but it’s important that you dive into this exercise despite the resistance that may be coming up.

This act of clarity and paying attention will give you the information you need to make financial decisions. It will show you what you have and what you owe. This level of awareness will help you start to feel more in control of your money. 

Always remember at the end of the day, your net worth is just a number – it tells a story of where you are at any moment in time. Always remember that whatever the number is, it is not a reflection of your self worth. Only you have the power to determine what your self worth is.

To work out your net worth grab a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle:

  • on the left hand side write down your assets in detail: bank accounts, value of your home if you have one and any savings, investments etc
  • on the right hand side write down your liabilities: credit card debt, student loans, personal laons, car loans, mortgages etc.
  • then subtract your total assets from your total liabilities. You now know your net worth and have your starting point.

Know WHAT you need to do to create the life you want

Now that you know WHY money is important to you and WHERE you currently stand, it’s time to work out WHAT you need to do to create the life you want. 

Start with 3 Big Goals for the year that will help you move closer to achieving the reasons for WHY money is important to you. Basing your goals on your reasons for WHY money is important to you, will allow you to start creating the life you want.

I always like to break my Big Goals down into 90 Day Goals. It’s an ideal timeframe to focus on a goal. So for each Big Goal work out what is realistically achievable for the next 90 days. You can then go further and break them down into monthly and weekly tasks. Find a system that works for you and stick with it.

Now that you have your 3 Big Goals refer to them when you’re considering making a purchase. If the purchase is not moving your closer to your 3 Big Goals and is not aligned with your values, then it’s probably a good idea to pass on that purchase. That way you can put your money towards something that is meaningful to you.

3 Actions To Help You Feel More In Control Of Your Money

  • Clear some time in your schedule to work on the 3 exercises. Grab your notebook, favourite drink and put on your favourite music. 
  • Work through each exercise and write down your answers. You may want to do this in one go or you may wish to do one exercise per day. If you come up against resistance and get stuck send me an email at natalie@nataliejhall.com
  • One you have the answers to each of your questions, get a separate piece of paper and write down your answers to questions 1 and 3. Have that piece of paper somewhere that you’ll see each day so you can refer to your answers when considering to make a purchase.

By working on these 3 exercises you will start to feel more in control of your money and be on your way to creating the life you want. It’s never too late to start as long as you start NOW!

Head over to the comments section and let me know:

How do you feel about your finances? What’s one action you can take now so you can create your financial future and start living life on your terms?

Can’t wait to read your comments!

Thank you, as always, for reading and allowing me to be part of your world.

Got Any Questions?

If you want to take back control and live the life you want, click the link here to schedule a complimentary session where we will get clear on how you can Get Financial Savvy so you can start feeling positive about your finances and your ability to own the power to control your destiny and determine your financial future.

Want To Work With Me?

If you’re ready to really take control of your money, your choices and your life then check out my Ignite Your Wealth Program. Don’t let another day go by. It’s your time to step into your power, to be the woman you were destined to be and create the life you want on your terms. Your time is NOW.

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