5 Effective Ways To Get To The Next Level In Your Life

5 Effective Ways To Get To The Next Level In Your Life

Life can have a nasty habit of interrupting the best of laid plans but more often than not it’s our minds that get in our way. We make excuse after excuse and become our own worst enemy. In most cases, it’s not our external world that is holding us back from getting to the next level in our life…in actual fact it is ourself.

If you want to get to the next level in your life then it’s going to require a different you. What worked for you in one phase of your life isn’t going to work for you if you want to move into the next phase. So rather than trying to change your external world, it is your internal world, the way you run YOU that needs to change.

Your first step is to acknowledge where you currently are. Look at where you’re doing really well and what has helped you get to where you are now. It can be really easy to get caught up in the busyness of life that you don’t realise exactly what it is that you’ve already achieved and done to get to where you currently are.

Once you’ve done that and taken the time to celebrate where you’re currently at, it’s now time to step it up so that you can get to the next level in your life.

Below Are 5 Steps That You Can Start Implementing Straight Away To Help You Get To The Next Level In Your Life.

1. Consistency

Being consistent with your daily habits is key to reaching your goals. If you’re currently only committing to doing your daily habits around 70-80% of the time, which of those could you be more consistent with to help you achieve the next level success you desire?

It is your daily change in behaviour that leads to success. To reach your goals, your focus needs to be on your daily habits more so than your actual end goal. You are unable to control what happens next week however, you are able to control the decisions that you make right NOW.

What you do now, today, determines how you will reach whatever goals you have set for the life you want to live. Your success comes down to consistency and daily perseverance – an attitude of achievement – your daily habits exist in the now and that is where your focus needs to be.

2. Awareness

Become aware of the fears that are holding you back from stepping it up to the next level in your life. Moving into the next phase of your life brings uncertainty and fears along with it. So it’s important to become aware of what those fears are before they start controlling how you run your life.

Although staying in your bubble might feel safe, it’s not going to get you anywhere. One way to help you move past your fears is by asking yourself what is the worst thing that could happen? When you come up with something ask yourself ‘so what if that happened?’ When you come up with something ask yourself again ‘so what’ and continue on with this process.

If you keep following your fear through to the end game you may be surprised by your resilience and sense of perspective as you keep asking yourself ‘so what’. A lot of the time when we actually delve a little deeper the thing we feared isn’t as bad as we had initially thought it to be.

At the end of the day your fear is always going to be there and that is a good thing as it means that you’re pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. So let it be there but not in control. Let it be there but don’t take direction from it or stop moving forward because of it. Learn to act in the face of fear, to allow it to be present but not to interfere.

3. Curiosity

Approach your obstacles with a curious mindset and think…I wonder how I’ll figure this out. Explore the possible outcomes that may happen if you step forward and take action. When you lead with curiosity, you lean into uncertainty with a positive attitude – relaxing and opening your mind to new ideas, skills and ways of solving problems.

When you let fear control you, it can cause you to procrastinate. When you find yourself procrastinating, get curious and look at what’s going on in your mind. Are you bored? Are you scared? Are you frustrated? This insight can help you figure what you need to do to move through it and to get back on track.

Curiosity motivates you to be open to viewing your life from multiple perspectives. So instead of immediately thinking no I can’t do this, you can use your curiosity to do digging into your persona. Where you can seek and find attributes that will make it happen.

4. Learn

When you decide to embrace your lessons rather than allow the potential of failure keep you stuck you find yourself getting so much more out of life. Taking your learnings and then moving on will help you get to the next level in your life.

You learn what worked and what didn’t, how you can improve – mastery is not a commitment to a goal but to a constant pursuit. By embracing your near wins and lessons, you can push yourself to attain more than you could ever imagine.

Don’t turn away from opportunities – be willing to take a chance and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Always strive to keep learning new things – education and experiences are essential if you are to grown and become a well rounded and better person.

5. Weekly Check Ins

It can be so easy to get caught up in the day to day running of your life and business that you forget to take the time to check in with yourself. So as part of your weekly check in with your goals make sure that you also check in with yourself so that you can be performing as your best self at all times.

Check in with where you’re at, what happened in the last week, how you’re feeling and what your wellbeing goals are for that week. Look at the areas where you’re spending your energy and attention. If it’s not on the areas that will get you to the next level in life, make changes and start focusing your energy and attention on those areas that will.

Also look at your lifestyle habits and make sure that you’re being consistent with those that will keep you operating as your best self. Science continues to prove the importance of exercise and eating well as well as emotional health to being able to focus and perform at your best. Those that succeed make their wellbeing a priority – even on the days they don’t feel like doing it.

3 Actions To Get You To The Next Level In Your Life

  1. Write down 3 of your biggest lessons from the last 12 months and celebrate them. Then ask yourself what you would do differently next time so that when you come across a similar situation you’ll be able to approach it differently based on your previous learnings.
  2. Look at your good habits that have got you to where you currently are. Are there any that you can do more consistently to help you get to the next level in your life?
  3. Schedule in your weekly check in and make it a non-negotiable each week.

What are your 3 habits that you’re going to consistently do in your week to get you to the next level in your life? Let us know in the comments section so we can support each other on our way to achieving next level success.

Can’t wait to read your comments!

Thank you, as always, for reading and allowing me to be part of your world.

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