3 Things To Try This Month In March

3 Things To Try This Month In March

March has arrived and it’s the last month of the quarter. A great time to check in and see where you’re at with your goals and how you’re personally travelling. Make some time and do a quick check in to see if you need to make any changes to help you get to where you want to be.

It’s all about being proactive. Get on the front foot and take control now. Find out how you need to make some changes this month and if so do them now! You’ve still got this month left so make each day count!

As at the start of each month, here are 3 things around Profit, Purpose and Wellbeing that you can start implementing straight away. To take your life and business to the next level, you need to be working smarter not harder and these 3 things for March are designed to help you do just that!

Below are 3 things you can start implementing this month:


As we enter the last quarter of the month it’s imperative that you’re up to date with your finances. If you’re registered for GST on a quarterly basis your Q3 business activity statement (BAS) will be due and payable by 28 April 2018. This means that unless you’re expecting to receive a refund, you will need to have funds available to pay to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Which, from what I experienced when working in insolvency, is that businesses very rarely put aside funds to cover their tax debts.

This proved to be detrimental in so many cases as when it came time to pay their BAS, they never had the funds available as they’d simply forgotten about it and spent the funds elsewhere. They hadn’t thought of transferring those funds to a separate account to avoid this situation from happening. Which is why one of the first things I recommend to my clients when reviewing their finances is to open a Digital Money Jar (online savings account) where they can transfer funds to cover their upcoming GST payment.

By transferring these funds into a separate Digital Money Jar you won’t accidentally spend the funds and will be able to pay your tax debts on time. Trust me the last person you want as a creditor is the ATO! Now it’s likely that you’ll also incur expenses during the period that you can offset against GST on sales. However, if your cash flow positions allows for it, I recommend that you still transfer the full GST amount from sales to your GST Digital Money Jar. If you do end up with surplus funds available, you’ll then be able to either transfer those funds to your Savings Digital Money Jar or allocate the funds to other areas of your business.


It’s so important to establish a solid foundation for your business so that what you build on it is, from the start a reflection of who you are and what’s most important to you. Any business owner who wants to build a thriving business must have two things: clarity of purpose and awareness of core values. Your purpose and values serve as a guide for every choice you make, from what services to offer to whom you collaborate with, to the clients you decide to work with.

Your purpose and core values will only be a direct reflection of who you are and what’s most important to you when you know your Truth. So it’s really important to consider whether your purpose and core values are a reflection of who others expect you to be and who you actually are as they are two very different things. If you find that you are relying on external projections, your purpose and core values and consequently, decisions and actions are going to continue to be out of line with your Truth.

So find some quiet time to have a look and see whether the person you are is the person you want to be or if there is an Identity Gap. A gap between how you appear on the outside and who you really are and know yourself to be on the inside. Grab a piece of paper and put a line down the middle and do the following exercise:

On one side write down How You Appear and underneath write your answers to:

  • The identity you project to the outer environment
  • Who you want the world to think you are
  • The facade you project to the world
  • Ideal for the world

 On the other side write down Who You Really Are and underneath write your answers to:

  • How you feel
  • Who you really am
  • How you are on the inside
  • Ideal for self

This was a real eye opener and game changer for me and was one of the first exercises I did on my personal journey. The goal is to bridge the gap between these two identities so that who you really are is how you also appear on the outside.


Do you feel like you’re always the driver? As always being in the driver’s seat is where you feel most comfortable? It’s your comfort zone. It’s where you’re making things happen. The world is your oyster and it’s up to you. You’re in charge and you feel powerful and in control. You feel like you have it together or at least think you need to have it all together all day everyday. That despite how many goals you achieve, how busy your days are you still feel you need to be more, do more – so you continue to hustle, push and strive for more?

With your control freak tendencies I’m guessing that you have your life planned out. A life where you control everything and have everything perfectly timed, well planned and well executed. The issue though is, life isn’t perfect no matter how hard you try to make it or how much you do. And by trying to have this perfect life you’re only exhausting yourself which is consequently having a detrimental effect on your overall wellbeing. Elizabeth Gilbert sums it up perfectly:

Nearly all women I know are stressing themselves sick over the pathological fear that they simply aren’t doing enough with their lives which is crazy – absolutely flat-out bananas – because the women I know do a lot, and they do it well.

I know I’ve definitely been guilty of this! If you’re the person who is always doing too much, holding on to too much and taking on too much, then I am giving you permission to surrender. Take time out. Give yourself a break and a huge pat on the back for all that you do. This month commit to stop doing it all and watch how it helps. Look at areas where you can take action and where you can ask and empower others in your inner circle to take on more responsibilities to help you out. Or maybe it’s time to start outsourcing and delegating tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius or perhaps employing new team members to take on these tasks.

3 Actions You Can Implement This Month

  1. Set up your GST Digital Money Jar (high online savings account) and start transferring funds to this account each fortnight.
  2. Do the Identity Gap Exercise and see whether your two identities match up.
  3. Make joy, fulfillment and wellbeing your measure of success for this month and observe how you operate differently in doing so.

Which of the 3 Actions are you going to implement this month to make March your best month? Let us know in the comments section what you’re going to implement this month!

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